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  • ecorfman

textures with feeling


Creating a texture based off of an emotion

Creating texture and representing an abstract thought through non representational art.

How do we make choices when trying to represent more complex/specific emotions?

Can we represent emotion through texture?

How can art be used for mental health?

How can art communicate an idea without being representational?

How can art be used for our emotional wellness?


  • Flat Cardboard (at least a couple inches by a couple inches big)

  • Scissors

  • Tape or glue (or both)

At least one of the following (however the more the merrier):

  • Clay

  • Thick paper

  • Assorted material (ex. Fabric, sticks, wire, tinfoil)

Class Outline

(Share screen and show slideshow) Art can be a powerful tool for self expression, and how texture in particular can carry over ideas of emotions, it can be simple to create a simple emotion but how do we make choices when trying to represent more complex/specific emotions? Show artists that use texture in their art

Have students brainstorm list of different emotions, talk about what emotions they have faced in the past or unique emotions they find interesting. Invite students to either share verbally or write it in the chat. (for students that are speaking out loud type their chosen emotions in that chat so we have a list)

Now that we have a list of emotions pick one that you find a personal connection to or one that you are drawn to. (“If you can't remember the emotions said look in the chat I wrote them all down for you.”) Try to create this emotion on your cardboard piece using only texture.

Closing Out

Invite students to put all pieces by the camera and take a screenshot (with permission.) Ask students that are comfortable to share what emotion they made, and how they connect the texture they created with that emotion.

Student Work:

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