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  • ecorfman


Prompt: Using biodegradable materials (leaves, paper etc), paint (using biodegradable paint) a positive message you would want to be seen by the community (it can be words, a symbol or something you think is beautiful this includes abstract as well as illustrative.)

After the surfaces have dried as a class we will paper mache the messages onto either a tree or a boulder in a public space where the community can see it until it washes away safely.

Leaves with paint and paper mache (made by both Charles and I) Helpful tip: make sure leaves are dry, and the bottom of the leaf has better texture for painting.

Final collaborative piece of artwork on a tree.

Recipe for making biodegradable paint:

Resources for gathering leaves:

  1. Nature walk (leaves fall in bundles sometimes)

  2. Save weeds from gardening (you can ask students if their families garden and ask if anyone can bring in weed leaves [with parent help incase of poison ivy])

  3. Visit a community garden and ask if they have any bags of trimmings

  4. Visit flower shop (even in grocery store) and ask to take their trimmings)

Artist: James Brunt makes temporary structures out of natural materials

The Kindness Rock Project, Community art initiative for spreading positive messages

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