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  • ecorfman


Today I experimented with downloading my own sprites and using these images to make a moving collage! I had a lot of fun coming up with ideas of what could be the eyes and such and then having them move around in scratch was a really nice and simple way to have them move around, I even recorded myself so my self portrait would have my own voice!

I started out with sketching out my idea with some notes about what I wanted to happen.

Then I started to either walk around my room to take pictures of the objects or drew the objects and then took a picture of that so I could put it on scratch. Being able to draw what I wanted made it a lot easier, especially with the hair made out of leaves and a flag, since i could shape them how they would fall on a face.

Once I got them all onto scratch I erased away the background and put them together resized and in the right place.

it is kinda wonky but I like the charm of it, I decided to go with leaves, an Italian flag, a water bottle, a Dino card, my home state, a lil rat/mouse, the sun, a cheese wheel, and a paint brush!

Once it was all together I put together the code to have the hands wave, after i started to add more code, this is were it started to get interesting and I had fun adding a little more here and there.

I also created a lesson plan for this project that would span over two classes, this also gives students time to take pictures of objects they find special at home, or to spend more time drawing if they want to make something more elaborate!

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