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  • ecorfman


Looking back at my last day of experimenting I wanted to attempt building a larger form in a more traditional style. I started my day off giving my pet rats free roam time, during free roam I got excited about the idea of creating a paper mache rat! I also thought it would be cool to use the form as a way to carry information about rats (paper mache facts about rats to the outside.) I think this idea could work well between the science and art department in a school setting.

My adorable life models:

I created the form using balloons and cardboard.

I was able to get one coat of paper mache on it, I plan on putting one more layer on it before I print and add research/photos about rats onto the body.

Prompt: Choose an animal that is special to you. Spend some time researching about it (what it eats, were it sleeps, social groups etc.) Create a structure of the form of your chosen animal and then paper mache the form. Paint the sculpture and write the information you discovered about it directly onto it (or print and paper mache the information onto the form.)

Artist: Saulo Moreno Hernández, creates intricate wire and paper mache sculptures (Example of making armatures for paper mache)

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